Showing 25–36 of 42 results

  • Firming Solution Cream 8 oz.


    Experience the unparalleled potency of nature and science, unified to deliver a transformative skin firming experience. The Firming Solution Cream offers an exceptional blend of vital ingredients, redefining the essence of youthful, toned, and radiant skin, making it indispensable for professionals who demand excellence.
    Unyielding Fight against Flaccidity. Reaffirm and Restructure. Enhanced Skin Elasticity. Revitalized Skin Tone Post-Cellulite Treatment. Antioxidant Powerhouse. Collagen and Elastin Boost. Invigorating Sensation with Menthol. Spirulina – Nature’s Gift. Centella Asiatica Magic. Clinically Proven Efficacy.
    For estheticians and spa professionals, integrating the Firming Solution Cream into your treatments will elevate the results, ensuring client satisfaction and loyalty. This is more than just a cream; it’s a promise of revitalized, firm, and radiant skin that lasts. Elevate your professional skincare game and provide unparalleled results with the Firming Solution Cream.
    30 Days Supply. Your Cost per Day: $0.41
    PRIVATE LABEL AVAILABLE. Suggested Retail Price:$25

  • Breast Solution Cream 8 oz


    Harness the power of nature and science to elevate your skin’s vitality and firmness with the Breast Solution Cream. Our meticulously crafted formula not only promises rejuvenated skin but also offers a holistic approach to breast firmness, ensuring you regain the youthful suppleness and elasticity of your skin.
    Anti-Flaccidity Action. Rejuvenation & Restoration. Enhanced Breast Contour. Elasticity Boost. Dual-Action: Moisturization & Protection. Nutrient-Rich Skin Lift. Antioxidant Defense Mechanism. Collagen & Elastin Infusion. Menthol-Driven Refreshment & Toning. Spirulina’s Youthful Radiance.
    Elevate your skincare routine with the Breast Solution Cream, a blend of nature’s best and science’s brilliance. For spas and professional estheticians, this cream not only promises a transformative experience for your clients but also adds a premium offering to your portfolio. In the competitive world of skincare, stand out by offering a product that delivers undeniable results.
    30 Days Supply. Your Cost per Day: $0.41
    PRIVATE LABEL AVAILABLE. Suggested Retail Price:$25

  • CelluSolution Anti-Cellulite Cream 8oz


    Experience transformation from within with CelluSolution Anti-Cellulite Cream. Crafted with a powerful synergy of nature’s finest, this luxurious blend not only enhances your skin’s vitality but also empowers professionals to offer the best in cellulite reduction. Every application promises a journey towards smoother, toned, and rejuvenated skin.
    Cellulite Diminishment. Skin Firming. Multi-Action Formula. Deep Moisturization. Enhanced Blood Circulation. Detoxification & Nourishment. Antioxidant Powerhouse. Improved Body Contouring. Efficient Calorie Burn. Professional Edge.
    Elevate your skincare regime and professional offerings with CelluSolution Anti-Cellulite Cream. Embrace the essence of nature and science, and witness the transformation. For those who settle for nothing but the best, this cream is your ally in achieving smooth, toned, and cellulite-free skin.
    30 Days Supply. Your Cost per Day: $0.41
    PRIVATE LABEL AVAILABLE. Suggested Retail Price:$25

  • Slimming Body Cream 8 oz.


    Slimming Cream is formulated mainly to burn fat and to lose weight, contains natural herbs ingredient necessary to maintain a healthy skin in addition, to the reducing effect of fat.
    SlimSpa Slimming Cream – Your Path to a Transformed Body and Skin
    Discover the Power of SlimSpa Slimming Cream, a revolutionary product designed to enhance the lives of your clients and elevate your professional spa or salon experience. This exceptional cream is meticulously crafted with natural herbal ingredients such as Centella Asiatica, Seaweed, Caffeine, and Artichoke, meticulously selected to provide a myriad of benefits for both your clients and your business.
    30 Days Supply. Your Cost per Day: $0.41
    PRIVATE LABEL AVAILABLE. Suggested Retail Price:$25

  • Cryo-Slim Cold Gel 136 oz


    Unlock the transformative power of the Cryo-Slim Gel. A breakthrough solution that synergizes with the body’s natural processes, this product is a must-have for beauty professionals aiming for holistic and effective body contouring treatments.
    Skin Revitalization. Cellulite Combatant. Toning & Firming. Nutrient Boost. Natural Efficacy. Rejuvenating Experience. Slimming Edge. Moisturization Magic. Metabolic Stimulation. Improved Elasticity.
    For spa and aesthetic professionals, the Cryo-Slim Gel is more than just a product; it’s a promise. A promise to provide clients with unparalleled skin and body enhancements that last. Elevate your offerings, stand out from the competition, and watch as satisfied clients keep coming back for more.
    You Can do Up to 24 treatments. Cost per Treatment: $2.70

  • Cryo-Slim Cold Gel 68 oz


    Are you ready to revolutionize your spa, salon, or aesthetic practice with the incredible benefits of Cryo-Slim Cold Gel? Our cutting-edge formula is designed to redefine beauty treatments and enhance the lives of your clients, while offering numerous advantages for professionals like you. The New Cryo-Slim Cold Gel detoxifies the body, returning it to its normal metabolic balance promoting excess fluid draining and breaks down stubborn cellulite, stimulating micro-circulation for radiant skin health.
    Skin-Firming – Anti-inflammatory – Fight the cellulitis – Detoxing – Slimming – Moisturize the skin – Stimulate the metabolism – Drain and reconstruct the tissue – Active the circulation – Body Shaping Fat & Inches Loss.
    You Can do Up to 18 treatments. Cost per Treatment: $2.50

  • Cryo-Slim Cold Gel 8oz.


    Unleash the power of cold therapy with Cryo-Slim Gel! Experience transformative skin rejuvenation, firmness, and a detoxified, radiant glow. Harnessing the potent synergy of Menthol & Green Tea, this gel is the spa professional’s trusted ally for exceptional skin and body contouring results.
    Skin Rejuvenation. Tackles Cellulite. Detoxification. Firming & Toning. Anti-Aging. Post-Fat Removal Treatment. Boosts Skin Oxygenation. Enhances Skin Moisture. Metabolic Stimulation. Professional Body Contouring.
    Transform, rejuvenate, and contour with SlimSpa’s Cryo-Slim Gel. For professionals committed to delivering the very best to their clientele, this is the ultimate tool for body refinement and skin revitalization. Make the change today – for a firmer, more radiant tomorrow.
    15 Days Supply. Your Cost per Day: $0.66
    PRIVATE LABEL AVAILABLE. Suggested Retail Price:$20

  • Thermo-Active Hot Gel 68 oz


    SlimSpa Thermo-Active Hot Gel: Transforming Body and Skin Care. Discover the remarkable benefits of SlimSpa Thermo-Active Hot Gel, our exclusive formula meticulously designed to enhance your salon, spa, or esthetician services. This thermo-active slimming body gel harnesses the power of key ingredients to generate heat, promoting the mobilization, breakdown, and elimination of excess body fat.
    SlimSpa Thermo-Active Hot Gel is a thermo active slimming body gel (hot) that contains key ingredients that generate heat, necessary for the mobilization & break down of the fat.
    The penetrating heat produces an internal effect in the called body TERMOLIPOLYSIS, that is the dissolution or break down of fat (LIPOLYSIS) by the increase of the body’s heat (THERMOS).
    You Can do Up to 16 treatments. Cost per Treatment: $2.81

  • Thermo-Active Hot Gel 136 oz


    Discover the unparalleled transformation with SlimSpa Thermo-Active Gel – a revolutionary formula designed to sculpt your body, target stubborn cellulite, and amplify natural beauty. A fusion of nature and science, this gel is the essence of elite skincare and body refinement.
    Dynamic Fat Mobilization. Intensive Fat Dissolution. Circulation & Metabolic Boost. Precision Targeting. Termolipolysis Advantage. Universal Efficacy. Herbal Excellence. Uncompromised Quality. Metabolic Elevation. Effortless Application.
    Elevate your body sculpting journey with SlimSpa Thermo-Active Gel – the epitome of luxury and efficacy. Infused with natural powerhouses like Methyl Salicylate, Camphor, Algae and Centella Asiatica, every drop promises to reinvigorate, redefine, and rejuvenate. Embrace the change. Indulge in excellence. Order today for the results you’ve always dreamt of!
    You Can do Up to 24 treatments. Cost per Treatment: $2.70

  • Thermo-Active Hot Gel 16 oz


    Discover the unparalleled transformation with SlimSpa Thermo-Active Gel – a revolutionary formula designed to sculpt your body, target stubborn cellulite, and amplify natural beauty. A fusion of nature and science, this gel is the essence of elite skincare and body refinement.
    Dynamic Fat Mobilization. Intensive Fat Dissolution. Circulation & Metabolic Boost. Precision Targeting. Termolipolysis Advantage. Universal Efficacy. Herbal Excellence. Uncompromised Quality. Metabolic Elevation. Effortless Application.
    Elevate your body sculpting journey with SlimSpa Thermo-Active Gel – the epitome of luxury and efficacy. Infused with natural powerhouses like Methyl Salicylate, Camphor, Algae and Centella Asiatica, every drop promises to reinvigorate, redefine, and rejuvenate. Embrace the change. Indulge in excellence. Order today for the results you’ve always dreamt of!
    30 Days Supply. Your Cost per Day: $0.50
    PRIVATE LABEL AVAILABLE. Suggested Retail Price:$30

  • Seaweed Inches Loss & Anti-Cellulite Body Lotion 32 oz


    A special blend of seaweed and plant extracts that activate blood circulation while refining, detoxifying, nourishing and moisturizing the skin. An excellent treatment to metabolic stimulation of the skin. Ideal for cellulite or weight loss programs. A seaweed wrap helps to eliminate toxins from your body. Removes Dead Skin and Moisturizes Dead skin prevents your body from absorbing moisture. Improves Skin Elasticity and Regeneration Over time, your skin loses the ability to stretch and return to normal. Reduces Cellulite and Improves Body Contouring.
    Detoxify and Refine. Nourish and Moisturize. Cellulite Reduction. Exfoliation. Stress Relief. Detoxification. Boost Immune System. Anti-Inflammatory. Anti-Aging.
    You Can do Up to 12 treatments. Cost per Treatment: $3.33

  • Therapeutic Anti-Inflammatory Bruise & Scar Organic Cream 16 oz


    Post-Surgery Recommended. With Arnica, Vitamin E, MSM, Calendula, Chamomile, Lavender, Cucumber & Tamanu Oil. Contains Vitamin E and Organic Arnica Montana for superior effective bruise and scar treatment.
    Post-Surgery Recommended. Scar and Bruise Treatment. Powerful Ingredients. Proven Healing. Comprehensive Relief. Sports-Endorsed. Hypoallergenic Luxury. Versatile Usage. Highest Quality Assurance. Highly Concentrated.
    Dive into the realm of organic healing with our Bruise & Scar Organic Cream. Expertly formulated for post-surgical care and enriched with nature’s best healers, this cream promises to transform skin recovery, delivering radiant, bruise-free skin, and empowering estheticians with a luxurious solution for their discerning clientele.
    You Can Do Up to 12 Treatments Your Cost per Treatments: $1.66